Folk duo Winter Wilson delighted to be on the road again and heading to Alnwick Playhouse

Winter Wilson are heading to Alnwick Playhouse.Winter Wilson are heading to Alnwick Playhouse.
Winter Wilson are heading to Alnwick Playhouse.
Folk duo Winter Wilson are back on the road after the covid pandemic and calling in at Alnwick Playhouse.

Lockdowns hit the entertainment industry hard but Lincolnshire-based married couple Dave Wilson and Kip Winter consider themselves luckier than most.

Kip said: "We have a small income from other sources, so we knew we wouldn't starve, and we're used to spending long periods of time with just each other for company. The weird bit was staying in one place for so long - we've never done that before!"

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They decided to live stream performances on Facebook which turned into a 60-week odyssey, renamed "Live from the Lounge", bringing fun, music and friendship to regular viewers from across the world, and raising over £5,500 in charitable donations.

Winter Wilson are performing at Alnwick Playhouse.Winter Wilson are performing at Alnwick Playhouse.
Winter Wilson are performing at Alnwick Playhouse.

In fact Live from the Lounge became an on-line community all of its own, and continues monthly to this day.

“We really had no idea what we’d started,” explains Kip. “We genuinely thought we’d stream live for a few weeks, and then life would get back to normal.

"After a couple of weeks people started asking how they could make donations, so we set up a button on our website. The donations were divided equally between the MU’s Musicians’ Hardship Fund and our local food bank.”

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In 2021, Kip and Dave wrote and recorded their ninth studio album, The Passing of the Storm.

Kip said: "The reviews have been brilliant, and audiences seem to really like the new songs too, which is always a relief."

Winter Wilson are at Alnwick Playhouse on Thursday, April 13 at 7.45pm. Tickets are available in advance from