Round-up of parish council news: Plan, repairs and accounts

Consultation events took place on Saturday, in Rothbury and Thropton, to gather residents' views as part of the creation of a neighbourhood plan.

A consultation form can also be downloaded from John Rutherford highlighted two interesting ideas; one being to only allow affordable homes to be built once the housing numbers have been met and the other to define settlement boundaries.

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l Repairs to the churchyard wall have yet to start, but it is hoped that it can be soon once all matters are resolved.

l A graphic designer with a talent for spray-painting has agreed to work with the young people to personalise the youth shelter.

l Members agreed to give a donation of £100 to HospiceCare North Northumberland and another of £500 to Rothbury Traditional Music Festival.

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Further information is to be sought before a decision is made on any donation to the Rothbury and Coquetdale Youth Project.

l The external audit of the council’s accounts for the year ending March 31, 2o16, has still not been completed.