Tea on the Terrace at Rothbury House - Catering was provided by RAF Leeming.
It was a busy bank-holiday weekend in Rothbury with well-attended events on Sunday and Monday.
The RAF Association’s Rothbury House held a Tea on the Terrace event on Sunday.
Then, the following day, the annual Rothbury Street Fair took place.
Tea on the Terrace at Rothbury House - Rothbury Highland Pipe Band performing for the crowds.
Tea on the Terrace at Rothbury House - Rothbury Hills folk band member Anne Brown, second left, with husband Dick, daughter Angela and granddaughter Rebecca.
Tea on the Terrace at Rothbury House - Guest Audrey Breckon, from the RAFA apartments in Rothbury.
Rothbury Street Fair - Duck Race ticket-sellers Pat Lewis, husband John, Margaret Blanshard and Ken Branson.
Eight-year-old Joseph and four-year-old Samuel Dresser in a fire engine.