Greengrocers may yet remain at Heighley Gate

Some of the produce sold by Nature’s Finest Fruits in the front section at Heighley Gate.Some of the produce sold by Nature’s Finest Fruits in the front section at Heighley Gate.
Some of the produce sold by Nature’s Finest Fruits in the front section at Heighley Gate. | Other 3rd Party
A popular greengrocers operating at Heighley Gate near Morpeth may yet be staying at the site after a notice to vacate the site by March 12 was suspended.

Nature's Finest Fruits, run by Brian Wills and Paul Campbell, have been at the garden centre for nine years.

They had been operating under an arrangement with Wyvale and when Dobbies took over the centre in autumn 2018, there were initial discussions about them also operating in its Ponteland and Birtley stores.

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So they were stunned when they received an email from the company on February 26 that issued them with a two-week notice to vacate.

However, as well as their own representations, hundreds of their loyal customers have contacted Dobbies to raise their concerns over the situation.

One customer, Ian Gardiner, also got in touch with the Herald. He said: “People who use this business also go into Dobbies to shop as well as buying fruit and veg, so I believe they are shooting themselves in the foot.”

Brian said meetings took place on Tuesday with senior executives and the notice to vacate was suspended for the time being.

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He added: “We’re hopeful that something can now be sorted for us to remain at Heighley Gate.

“We’ve been overwhel-med by the response from our customers. I know we had a good reputation, but this shows just how much we are valued in the area.”

A Dobbies spokesman said: “We are currently in discussion with Nature's Finest Fruits at our Morpeth store to try and find a solution for both parties.”

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