The major event could not take place in 2020 and 2021 due to Covid-19 restrictions.
The annual 17-mile rideout around the town’s ancient boundaries attracts dozens of horses and riders, and there were thousands of spectators for the 2022 event.
See this Thursday’s Berwick Advertiser for a full report.
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Berwick’s Riding of the Bounds. Photo: Nop
. Getting prepared
A rider preparing to be judged for Best Turned Out. Photo: Margaret Shaw
. Asking for permission
Chief Marshal asks the Mayor’s permission to ride and check that the town’s boundaries are secure. Photo: Margaret Shaw
1. Getting prepared
A rider preparing to be judged for Best Turned Out. Photo: Margaret Shaw
2. Asking for permission
Chief Marshal asks the Mayor’s permission to ride and check that the town’s boundaries are secure. Photo: Margaret Shaw
3. Riders return
Riders returning along Castle Terrace after 17 miles. Photo: Margaret Shaw
4. Colour Party
The Colour Party for the parade. Photo: Margaret Shaw