Northumberland Livestock


February 27

Harrison & Hetherington Ltd Wooler Auction Mart had forward a small but quality entry of store cattle despite the ‘Beast from the East’ threatening arctic conditions all entered cattle were forward and a good company of buyers were in attendance.

Cattle met a very sharp trade throughout.

The sale was topped by a superb 23month Aberdeen Angus heifer from W D Allen, Stouphill which made £1270.

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Heifers sold to 215.4p per kilo for an outstanding stabiliser heifer from Messrs EA & L Jackson, Rugley which weighed 585kgs and made £1260.

Steers sold to a top of £1110 for a pen of 3 Limousin.x Steers from Messrs R W & K Telford, Branton Eastside who also made the top price per kilo of 238.6p with a marvellous pen of 4 Black Limousin Steers weighing 440kgs at £1050.

Leading Prices per head - Steers: Limousin.x: £1110 (three), £1050 (4), £1030 (five) (all 10/11 months) Branton Eastside. Aberdeen Angus.x: £1080 Rugley, £960 Hillcrest Livestock.

Leading prices per head - Heifers: Aberdeen Angus: £1270, £955 Stouphill. Aberdeen Angus.x: £1050, £880 Rugley, £830 Hillcrest Livestock. Stabiliser: £1260, £1080, £1040 Rugley. Limousin.x: £990 (two), £950, £905 (two), £900 (four) Branton Eastside (all 10/11 months)

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Leading prices per kilo - Steers: Limousin.x: 238.6p (4), 235.7p (eight), 221.6p (two) Branton Eastside. Aberdeen Angus.x: 220.7p Hillcrest Livestock, 211.8p Rugley.

Leading prices per kilo – Heifers: Stabilisers: 215.4p, 211.8p Rugley. Limousin.x: 214.3p, (four), 206.5p, 205.4p (two) Branton Eastside. Aberdeen Angus.x: 212.8p Hillcrest Livestock, 200p Rugley. Aberdeen Angus: 187.3p Stouphill.

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