North Sunderland, WI

Alan is well known in our area. He informed us that he has an excellent team, without them he could not fulfil his obligations. He is always available, 24/7.
Had we all made a Will? Do our family members know our wishes? And have we planned ahead?
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Hide AdAlan has been a funeral director for over 18 years, having taken over the business from John Hanvey. He had learned a lot as pall-bearer. John Swallow was his first funeral arrangement.
Sally-Ann has been with Alan in business for 17 years and has rendered invaluable service.
Alan explained the various forms, procedures, and requirements – all necessary, the different types of funerals, the various needs of the bereaved, the timing and the care taken.
The vote of thanks was given by Judith Stephenson as we had received an insight into a totally different, necessary aspect of life.
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Hide AdAfter refreshments we settled down to the business part of the meeting.
Apologies had been received from Mrs P Minto, Mrs E Braidford and Mrs S Young. Flowers had been given to Mrs J Foster, and there was a card from Mrs Minto, also from Mrs P Tucker.
The minutes of our previous meeting were approved. Matters arising consisted of an invitation to the local museum on the A1, and Tracy Robertson announced that she has a class, Movement, in Bamburgh Pavilion on Tuesdays.
Our outing is on Saturday, when we will go to Alnwick’s pantomime. Transport is arranged, plus lunch at The Plough.
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Hide AdFuture events at Cresswell House comprise of intermediate crochet, plus an Easter craft day.
The WI resolutions were briefly read again and votes taken.
Our group meeting will be held on April 24, in Seahouses. Belford WI will host the meeting and North Sunderland WI will give the vote of thanks for the entertainment.
Our next pub lunch will be at The Ship, Seahouses, on January 27, all invited.
The competition for A Pair Of Gloves was won by Mrs M Wood, Mrs M Turner and Mrs S Dickson. The raffle was won by Mrs S Caskey, Mrs C Philips and Ms Jude Sawyer.
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Hide AdThe next meeting is on Tuesday, February 6. This will be a birthday party when Fiddlezonly will entertain us. Do come along, join in the fun and enjoy a delicious supper.
March 6 is when we will all celebrate 100 years of the Northumberland Federation. The WI is, nationwide, doing a very worthwhile job, as well as giving education and enjoyment.
There is a WI college, Denman in Oxfordshire, giving a wide list of courses and lectures. It is open to non-members (plus husbands).