North Sunderland, Parish notes

Minutes of the parish council meeting held on Monday, January 4, at 7pm, at the Sheltered Housing Community Centre, Stone Close, Seahouses.

The chairman wished everyone present a Happy New Year and introduced the guest speaker, Jenny Ludman, from Ludman Planning.

Ms Ludman provided an update on the progression of the Neighbourhood Plan and advised that policies are being produced for the overall objectives required for the parishes of Bamburgh, Beadnell and North Sunderland.

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Procedures will see final information from the steering group, pre-submission consultation (six weeks), the Plan being presented to Northumberland County Council (NCC) for examination, and finally the decision by residents of the villages on the Plan.

The objectives are more affordable and permanent housing, protection of community facilities and assets, protection of historic environment and protection of local green spaces.

Residents of North Sunderland are to decide if they want a settlement boundary. This would determine that development could take place within the boundary, with no development to take place outside. Beadnell does not wish to have a boundary and Bamburgh is yet undecided.

Previous consultation with the public has seen views expressed for no building along the coast, landscape and seascape. There is a preference for housing development in phases. This encourages small developments at one time and not large-scale developments. Parking has to be addressed. New developments must have parking space for each bedroom and identify places for possible parking areas.

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Present: Councillors – Geoffrey Stewart, chairman Tom Orrin, David Donaldson, George Price, David Fordy, David Shiel, Sylvia Hillan, Alan Trotter, Pauline Orrin. County councillor John Woodman, one member of the public, one member of the press. Apologies: Councillors Maureen Bramley and Raymond Clarke.

Agreement of agenda – proposed additional items: Minutes of planning meeting held on December 21. One granted planning permission, one invoice. Agreed.

Consideration of minutes of parish council meeting held on December 7: Resolved that the minutes, as circulated, are confirmed as a true record and signed by the chairman.

Minutes of the planning meeting held on December 12: Resolved that the minutes, as circulated, are confirmed as a true record and signed by the chairman.

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Matters arising: Grit Bins. The chairman had met with Lee Baxter of NCC and it was agreed to place new grit bins, paid for by the parish council, beside the play park, Castle Close and 100 yards from the entrance to Kings Field on the right.

Planning: Permission granted. Planning reference 15/03419/VARYCO variation of condition 2 (Approved Plans) relating to planning permission 12/01040/REM construction of seven dwellings, refer to application 10/B/0461 land south side of South Lane, Seahouses. Planning reference 15/03677/FUL proposed front porch and utility extension, 34 Kippy Law, Seahouses. Planning reference 15/03690/FUL proposed single storey rear extension to kitchen and sun lounge, 76 King Street, Seahouses. Planning reference 15/03101/VARYCO variation of condition 2 (plans) from approved planning application 12/01040/REM. Planning reference 15/02666/ADE advertisement consent for one fascia sign and seven vinyl on rigid foamboard adverts, land rear of 52-54 Main Street, North Sunderland, Seahouses. Parish council’s objection on taste and consistency were outside planning criteria. It requires a commitment from Lord Crewe Trust.

Cemetery: Cemetery management contract invitations are to be sought for quotes for cemetery management contract. Replacement of shed roof, agreed to accept the quote which will supply sheets for roof at no cost, with payment for installation only.

Finance: Monies received general current a/c: Government funding via Groundworks UK for Neighbourhood Plan (restricted funds). £6,770. Total £6,770.

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Monies paid from general current a/c since last meeting: Ludman Planning consultancy support (restricted funds). £2,973. Total £2,973.

Monies to be paid from general current account a/c: Came & Co. annual insurance £354.32; clerk salary £255.65; clerk’s telephone expenses £12.82; Seahouses accountancy Oct-Dec £21; Part payment ESafes (fireproof safe) £332.48. Total £976.27.

Monies received from cemetery current a/c Joseph Richardson & Son for memorial £100. Total £100. Monies to be paid from cemetery current a/c: Complete Landscapes £441; Part payment ESafes (fireproof safe) £331. Total £772. Agreed.

Correspondence: Letter of thanks from the Great North Air Ambulance Service for the donation.

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Request for approval from Endurancelife for event to be held on Saturday, February 27. Agreed, but parish council to advise that any stoppages on roads to be arranged through NCC.

It was agreed to donate £50 to HospiceCare North Northumberland.

Reports and comments: No comments were made for the NCC Animal Boarding Establishment Policy Consultation.

Complaints have been made regarding a repeated burglar alarm at the old police station building in James Street. Clerk to contact agents.

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Flooding is still being experienced on the road by Monks House. The road surfaced has been damaged and is now dangerous. Clerk to contact NCC.

Parish council to contact NCC to chase up the repair/replacement of a number of previous reported lights in the village that are not working.

Parish council to request the removal of a skip in Main Street, opposite the Fire Station, which has been in position for a considerable amount of time. Two holes have appeared in the road by this skip. Clerk to report.

County councillor John Woodman advised that there will be an opportunity to deal with advertisements in the village by including a policy in the Neighbourhood Plan.

Confirmation of next Parish Council meeting, February 1, at 7pm.