Ellingham, Parish Council

Matters arising: Roadworks to be carried out at The Glebe, with road closure from September 18 to 29 to allow work for fibre broadband.

Roadcare: Street Light, Chathill – no update. Noted that wall of property obscures vision, a mirror may help. Underpass, Brockdam – Clerk has been in contact with Highways England. Area team to confirm whether it is its responsibility.

Preston Tower to Ellingham – Clerk to report again that countersunk drain on side of road has still not been repaired. Preston Bank telegraph pole – County council has inspected; the pole is in the correct position and is not a hazard.

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Potholes – Clerk to report potholes in Golden Close, outside Village Hall and approaching Coldrife farmhouse.

Tynely Junction – Road markings still not re-painted and new A1 sign is not in place. Clerk to request that Coun Pattison follows this up with county council.

Road sweeper – Clerk will contact county council to ask dates for sweeping and request that this is carried out between 11am and 2pm. Residents will be asked to move vehicles.

Passing place in Glebe Road – Clerk to contact county council asking if planings can be put in, also to request that vegetation encroaching onto the road is scraped back.

Local Transport Plan – repeat previous requests.

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Planning: Erection of Agricultural Building SW of High Nest – granted. Tree Preservation Order – Home Farm. Order is temporary for six months whilst county council considers whether it should be permanent.

Neighbourhood Plan: Only one response to letters sent to local landowners. Website information upload under way. Jenny Ludman (consultant) invited to have further input.

Accounts and audit: Balances at September 3 totalled £4,770.53 (includes grants of £3,738.81). Accounts approved for payment totalled ££307.69.

Community Trust: There are vacancies for trustees.

Village Hall: Renewal of lease discussed with Ellingham Estate. Visits to be made to other villages to seek ideas for remodelling. Craft fair on the first Sunday of each month will continue until the end of the year. Karaoke night was poorly attended. Quiz to be held on October 21, and three coffee mornings scheduled: September 29 – Macmillan; October 18 – Village Hall; November 17 – in support of North Sunderland Hostel Christmas lunch.

Village phone box: Work in progress.

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Death of a senior national figure: Council will not organise ceremony at Chathill Station. Clerk to contact PCC to ascertain whether the church may hold a service.

Emergency matters: Ellingham Hall was noisy on Sunday, September 3, all day and into the night. Agenda item for next meeting.

Date of next meeting: Monday, October 2, 7pm, in Ellingham Village Hall.