Floral displays in Alnwick.Floral displays in Alnwick.
Floral displays in Alnwick.

Partnership working helps Alnwick to look its best this summer

Alnwick Town Council and Alnwick in Bloom have been working together to make sure Alnwick’s floral displays are in tiptop condition.

The bloom team, with financial support from the town council, ordered 200 hanging baskets from Northumberland County Council.

Some were used by the council in key locations and the rest were sold to businesses around Alnwick.

Bloom volunteers tend the town’s many floral displays too. Some are well known such as Column Field, Greenwell Lane and Pottergate Gardens.

Less well-known floral areas include The Pinfold, the Sensory Garden and South Road.

This year, to mark The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, Alnwick in Bloom commissioned a new clock in the bus station - if you haven’t seen all of these displays yet do go have a look!

The bloom committee also work hard to involve the town’s residents by holding events such as the school painting competition, sponsoring a shop window competition and escorting the Northumbria in Bloom judges during their two annual visits.

The volunteers from Alnwick in Bloom are small in number but big on ambition and hard work – they are always looking for new members, with or without gardening experience, to join them.

Bloom volunteers tend the town’s many floral displays too. Some are well known such as Column Field, Greenwell Lane and Pottergate Gardens.