15 places in Northumberland where you can get a breakfast stottie.15 places in Northumberland where you can get a breakfast stottie.
15 places in Northumberland where you can get a breakfast stottie.

15 top-rated cafes in Northumberland that are great for a breakfast stottie, according to Google reviews

Stotties are a North East delicacy.

And they are, without a doubt, one of the region’s greatest creations.

So it is no surprise that there are lots of great breakfast spots in Northumberland with stotties on the menu.

Whether you like sausage, bacon, or something else in yours, stopping by a cafe for a breakfast stottie is a great way to start the day on a high.

Here are 15 cafes in the county which serve stotties, all of which have rankings of 4.5 stars or higher on Google.

Whether you like sausage, bacon, or something else in yours, stopping by a cafe for a breakfast stottie is a great way to start the day on a high.