On TV, we were watching Celebrity Big Brother 5, which led to protests here and in India after it was alleged Jade Goody, Danielle Lloyd and Jo O'Meara had been racially abusive to Bollywood star Shilpa Shetty. We were listening to Kate Nash, Avril Lavigne, Britney Spears and Just Jack, and watching The Bourne Ultimatum and 28 Weeks Later on the big screen. Here are some memories from closer to home – the Alnwick Food Festival 15 years ago...
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The Alnwick Food Festival attracts tens of thousands of visitors each year. Photo: Jane Coltman
. Fancy dress fun
It wouldn't be the Alnwick food festival without some bloke dressed as a lion. Alf the Lion is the festival's mascot. Photo: Jane Coltman
. Crowd-puller
The festival attracts around 30,000 people each year. Photo: Jane Coltman
. Award winners
The festival is a hit with all ages, and awards are presented for excellence. Photo: Jane Coltman
. Look and learn
Chef Martin Hutton carries out a cookery demonstration. Photo: Jane Coltman
. Smiles all round
The festival is held in September and runs over two days. Photo: Jane Coltman
. A chance to learn from the best
Mark Earnden with pupils from Dukes Middle School. Photo: JC
. Al fresco dining
St James's Church ran a stall, offering tasty treats. Photo: Jane Coltman
. Try before you buy
Plenty of stallholders are happy to let visitors sample their wares before purchasing. Photo: Jane Coltman
. Baked goods stall
Stalls in the market place did a roaring trade. Photo: Jane Coltman
. Play us a tune!
A musician entertains the crowds. Photo: Jane Coltman
1. Fancy dress fun
It wouldn't be the Alnwick food festival without some bloke dressed as a lion. Alf the Lion is the festival's mascot. Photo: Jane Coltman
2. Crowd-puller
The festival attracts around 30,000 people each year. Photo: Jane Coltman
3. Award winners
The festival is a hit with all ages, and awards are presented for excellence. Photo: Jane Coltman
4. Look and learn
Chef Martin Hutton carries out a cookery demonstration. Photo: Jane Coltman