Covid-19 by ward in Berwick constituency.Covid-19 by ward in Berwick constituency.
Covid-19 by ward in Berwick constituency.

Berwick constituency wards ranked by Covid infection rates

Latest figures continue to show low rates of Covid-19 infection across large parts of north Northumberland.

Data from Public Health England, published by Northumberland County Council, reveals the county-wide infection rate stands at 159.6 positive cases per 100,000.

However, nine council wards in the Berwick constituency have rates of under 100 positive cases per 100,000.

There were 511 confirmed positive cases in the seven days up to October 21.

The data appears to indicate a slight fall in the weekly change in rate for Northumberland.

The England-wide infection rate stands at 176.5 per 100,000.

Here are the latest figures for 15 council wards in the Berwick constituency….

There were 511 confirmed positive cases in the seven days up to October 21.