The Cookie Jar in Alnwick has a 4.9 rating from 122 reviews.
"The best boutique hotel in town, just yards from the castle," states one reviewer.The Cookie Jar in Alnwick has a 4.9 rating from 122 reviews.
"The best boutique hotel in town, just yards from the castle," states one reviewer.
The Cookie Jar in Alnwick has a 4.9 rating from 122 reviews. "The best boutique hotel in town, just yards from the castle," states one reviewer.

The 25 best boutique hotels in north Northumberland as rated by Google

There can’t be many better ways to wash away the winter blues than a stay at a cosy boutique hotel.

We’ve compiled a list of the best in north Northumberland, according to Google rankings.

Here are the top 25.

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