How to waste less food and save money at the same time

The average UK household wastes £470 per year by throwing away food (Photo: Shutterstock)The average UK household wastes £470 per year by throwing away food (Photo: Shutterstock)
The average UK household wastes £470 per year by throwing away food (Photo: Shutterstock)

Collectively, UK residents throw away seven million tonnes of wasted food and drink every year, according to Food Standards Agency figures. The majority of this discarded food is completely safe to eat.

As well as the environmental impact and ethical dilemma this level of food wastage causes, there's also the financial element to consider. The amount of food and drink thrown away costs the average UK household £470 per year.

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If you, like many, you would like to cut down on the amount of food you are wasting (while also saving a little bit of extra cash in the process), here are some tips on how to do it.

Meal plan

If you plan out all of your meals on a weekly basis (or monthly, if you prefer), it means that you will know exactly how much food you need to buy, rather than guessing and potentially buying far too much.

Factor in any plans you might already have to dine out, and then decide what you want to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner each day.

There are plenty of varied recipes available for free online to inspire you, or you can just stick with your tried and trusted favourites.

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Meal planning before you go food shopping will help you to only buy what you need (Photo: Shutterstock)

Write a shopping list

This sounds like a no-brainer, but how many times have you left the house without a shopping list and come home with lots of items you didn't plan to buy and - more importantly - without everything you needed.

You'll save money (not to mention time) and avoid wasting food if you just write a list before you head to the supermarket.