Views sought on developing Northumberland community

Picture courtesy of Northumberland Sea Anglers, 2015.Picture courtesy of Northumberland Sea Anglers, 2015.
Picture courtesy of Northumberland Sea Anglers, 2015.
Resident’s input is being sought as a Northumberland coastal community moves forward with the development of a neighbourhood plan.

The creation of Hauxley Neighbourhood Plan is being led by Hauxley Parish Council, which is calling for ‘valuable input from the community in order to ensure that the future plan fully represents the interests of those who live here’. The plan steering group is being reconvened and is in need of volunteers to join.

Coun Dickon Howell said: “The preparation of the plan is an important opportunity in the history of the village for residents, landowners and organisations to define how we want the village to evolve over the next 20 years, and to do this effectively we need a broad representation of interests across the parish.”

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To support the plan’s development, Jo-Anne Garrick has been appointed as planning consultant. She has significant experience in a variety of senior planning roles in a range of public-sector organisations and has more recently undertaken a number of commissions providing neighbourhood planning support across Northumberland.

“I am looking forward to working with the parish council and local community to create a plan, with planning policies, which fully reflect the distinctiveness of the parish,” she said.

Hauxley Parish Council have also been successful in obtaining initial grant funding of £2,400 from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government towards the preparation of the plan, with further funding applications to be submitted as the plan progresses.

If you are interested in joining the steering group, contact the parish clerk at [email protected] There will be a maximum time commitment of one evening a month.

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Neighbourhood plans are the most local level of the planning framework beneath the county-wide Northumberland Local Plan, which is undergoing independent examination at present, and the National Planning Policy Framework.